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The Physical Symptoms of Depression

The Physical Symptoms of Depression

It's Not Just In Your Head - The Physical Symptoms of Depression

The emotional and cognitive symptoms of Depression co-occur with severe physical symptoms. Four of the nine diagnostic cri...

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Will My Therapist Judge Me?

5 Ways You Can Support a Depressed Loved One

Loving a depressed person is a frustrating and thankless task. They may seem fine one second, and totally despondent the next. They might blame you for their depression, insist that they are not de...

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Mental Health First Aid: 5 Things to Do When You Need to Feel Better Right Now

Workplace Stress: What You Need to Know

Workplace Stress: What You Need to Know. Our lives aren't what they used to be. 100 years ago, working might have meant going to the family farm or local family store, not driving across town to a ...

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