Thursday 26th March, 2020
The recent COVID-19 pandemic is a global challenge we all face together. As the situation evolves rapidly, we endeavour to keep our clients updated on the most recent developments as they pertain to our practice and the services we offer. Please find relevant information below :
A psychologist has undergone extensive training in order to help individuals effectively manage stress, anxiety, panic, grief and other psychological concerns. Whether this is face-to-face, online, or over the phone, it is extremely important to seek professional help if you are experiencing psychological distress.
It is encouraged that we all stay connected at this time, particularly in light of increasing social restrictions. As such, some of our psychologists are encouraging new, existing, or former clients to engage with our services even if for a brief ‘Check in’ (10-15 mins) via phone or Telehealth. In some circumstances there may be little or no fee associated with this. To enquire, please call (03) 9809 1000.
You can book an appointment via Telehealth using the above line ‘BOOK NOW’. Appointments are available for both NEW and EXISTING clients.
General Enquiry