Cognitive Assessments

Cognitive Assessments in Melbourne


The Three Seas Psychology offers comprehensive cognitive assessments for children and adolescents.

Understanding the unique strengths and limitations of your child is an important part of supporting their development. The Three Seas offers comprehensive cognitive assessments that provide clear and informative reports. The WISC-V1 and the WPPSI-IV are the gold-standard of intelligence testing for children and adolescents. 

The WISC-V and WPPSI-IV assess a broad range of domains including Verbal Comprehension, Visual Spatial Skills, Fluid Reasoning, Working Memory and Processing Speed. The tests are designed to enable parents to proactively address their child’s needs and reduce the impact of future challenges. In addition to this, the report will effectively communicate your child’s needs to medical professionals and educators. 

Who are the tests suitable for?

The WISC and WPPSI can be useful for all children including those who may have intellectual deficits, those in the mainstream and those with giftedness. 

What ages can be assessed?

For children aged 6 to 16 and 11 months the WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – fifth edition) is used and for children aged 2 years and 6 months to 7 years and 7 months the WPPSI (Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence – fourth edition) is used.

What can the results be used for?

The test is widely recognized and can be used to accompany NDIS applications and school funding. The report will also be a valuable tool to help psychologists, educators and medical professionals in assisting your child properly. 

How is the test administered?

The test is specifically designed for children and will be performed by one of our experienced Psychologists. It is administered in an age appropriate, warm and non-invasive way. 

What are the costs?

The total fee for the assessment is as follows: 
$1,300 for a general psychologist
$1,500 with a clinical psychologist
This includes the fee for:

Only the 1st session is claimable via Medicare, if booked with a general or clinical psychologist.

What is the process?

The process will take place over three sessions. In the first session the Psychologist will take a comprehensive history of the child. The actual assessment will be conducted in the second session, which will be two hours long. In the third session the results of the report will be discussed, and feedback will be given by the Psychologist.

When can I book?

We are currently taking new bookings. Please call reception on 9809 1000 to find the next available appointments.

For GPs: If you are writing a referral to our clinic, please contact our reception on 9809 1000 for Psychologists currently performing these tests. 

ASD (Autism) Assessments now available for adults 18+ years.

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