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Daily Mindfulness Practices You Can Use Everyday

Daily Mindfulness Practices You Can Use Everyday

Daily Mindfulness Practices You Can Use Everyday

Most of us are often so busy with the demands of life that we are running from one moment to the next. Whether it’s going to work, cleaning the house, looking after the children, or catching up with friends. Amongst the hustle and bustle of life, we often don’t make the time to stop and smell the roses. Read on to discover a few practical strategies for daily mindfulness practices that can be incorporated into your everyday routine. 

Mindfulness is a practice that we can implement into our daily lives to improve our wellbeing. Mindfulness is defined by a nonjudgmental awareness of the present moment where you can just be. It involves the process of focusing your attention on the present moment, whilst allowing thoughts, emotions and physical sensations to pass by.

Mindfulness takes practice to develop into a habit that can be used daily, and in mindfulness we can find joy, peace, and meaning within our lives.

Here is a list of 6 mindful strategies that you can implement into your routine from today

  1. Practice Gratitude

Find a time during your day to focus on the things in your life that you are grateful for. We often tend to focus more on the negatives, the challenges and difficulties that come about in our lives. Find a good time to practice this, such as when you wake up each morning, as this can improve your mindset for the day ahead.

  1. Find a quiet space

Whether it’s on your lunch break, or right before bed, take a few minutes to control your breathing. Take a few deep breaths and focus on how your body is feeling. Our days are often quite rushed and busy, so find a time to slow down and enjoy the present.

  1. Meditate

Meditation is the practice of mindfulness. It allows you to connect with your mind, body and spirit. Meditation is a helpful tool to increase relaxation and reduce stress relief. Practicing meditation brings us into the present moment where we can connect with ourselves and just be. It is often helpful to begin with guided meditations when trying it out for the first time.

  1. Acknowledge your feelings

Allow yourself to feel your emotions as they arise. Don’t try to force positive emotions or avoid bad emotions. We all experience different emotions so allow yourself to acknowledge each emotion and label it. Be mindful of how you react, and try to let your thoughts pass without onto holding them.

  1. Spend time in nature

Being in nature is a good way to connect to the present moment. Simply taking a walk or sitting by a river with lots of greenery can get us in touch with ourselves and the now. Focus on what you can see, hear and smell. Enjoy and appreciate where and who you are.

  1. Mindful driving

Often driving can be irritating. Practicing mindfulness while driving can improve this experience. Try taking a few deep breaths each time you stop in traffic. You might enjoy listening to your favourite songs or a podcast to be in the present moment. If you start to feel angry or annoyed at other drivers, identify your emotion and take a few deep breaths.

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