
Insomnia is a very common concern for many Australians.

It is estimated that up to a third of all Australians regularly experience difficulty either falling asleep or insomnia. Some may find it difficult to fall asleep, while others may be able to get to sleep but wake hours later.

A lack of sleep can lead to feeling tired or lethargic during the day and impact concentration. People suffering from insomnia have an increased risk of also suffering from a range of other mental and physical health issues including depression and hypertension.

There can be many different medical, psychological and environmental causes for insomnia. If there are underlying causes for insomnia, they need to be addressed. Depression, anxiety, chronic pain and stress may contribute to troubled sleep patterns.Your bedding may also be the reason for discomfort resulting into sleeplessness. Sometimes, however, there are no apparent reasons for the sleeplessness.

There is a range of different treatment options available if you’re experiencing insomnia including cognitive behaviour therapy and mindfulness. A psychologist can help you find the techniques that can help you.

What Causes Insomnia?

Everyone suffers from periodic insomnia due to too much alcohol, caffeine, or stress. For as much as a third of the Aussie population, though, insomnia is a recurring, almost-nightly problem. For most people, stress plays a key role in insomnia, but health issues, untreated mental illness, unhealthy sleeping habits, and a host of other issues can also figure prominently.

How is Insomnia Treated?

At Three Seas, we take insomnia seriously. First, we’ll work with you to help you master healthy sleep hygiene by going to bed at the same time each night, using your bed only for sleep and sex, ensuring your sleeping space is comfortable and avoiding lying in bed tossing and turning. We’ll also explore lifestyle factors, such as excessive caffeine consumption, that may play a role in your insomnia.

If lifestyle changes don’t work, we invite you to explore how psychological factors could play a role. Depression, anxiety, a recent divorce, and everyday stress can all lead to insomnia. While you can’t eliminate these stressors, you can find healthier ways to cope. We’ll show you the path.

For some insomnia sufferers, symptoms persist even in the face of stellar treatment. If you don’t respond well to therapy or lifestyle changes, a number of medications can help you get some shuteye at long last.

Call today and start the recovery.

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