Three Seas ebook Series

Relationship Counselling

This is the first in a series of free resources that the team at the Three Seas has compiled. The team is made up of qualified psychologists who have special interests, and expertise, in relationship therapy. 

Often times we need extra support when it comes to the relationship we have with our partner. Relationships can be difficult to navigate and even the most solid relationships can expect to go through period of challenges.

The intention of this eBook is to empower you to start the journey in diving a bit deeper into your relationship with your partner.

'A true relationship is two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other' - Everyday Power

Whats Inside

This free resource is for you regardless of the length of your relationship with your partner or the type of challenge you may be coming up against in your relationship. This ebook is for you even if you're not experiencing challenges and just want to take your partnership to a deeper level.

The ebook also consist of prompts which you can use to journal with or as talking points for discussions with your significant other.

Even the best relationships have challenges and stressful periods. Relationship therapy & additional resources can provide much needed support.

A 2020 review of couples therapy effectiveness showed a consistently large effect on relationship satisfaction, self-reported and observed communication, emotional intimacy, and partner behaviours. These results were sustained over short- and long-term periods too.